Стилістичні засоби відображення зовнішності людини у сучасному англомовному рекламному дискурсі

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НАЦІОНАЛЬНИЙ УНІВЕРСИТЕТ «ОДЕСЬКА ЮРИДИЧНА АКАДЕМІЯ» Факультет цивільної та господарської юстиції Кафедра іноземних мов Реєстр. №____________ Дата_________________ КУРСОВА РОБОТА На тему: «Стилістичні засоби відображення зовнішності людини у сучасному англомовному рекламному дискурсі» «Stylistic means of displaying a person's appearance in modern English-language advertising discourse» Студентки _ курсу __ потоку __ групи рівень освіти перший (бакалаврський) галузь знань 035 «Філологія» спеціальність 035.041 «Германські мови та літератури (переклад включно), перша - англійська» ПІБ Керівник Кількість балів: _______________________ Члени комісії:_________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________   Одеса – 2024 CONTENT INTRODUCTION 3  CHAPTER 1. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND OF THE RESEARCH 6  1.1 Linguistic characteristics of English-language advertising text 6  1.2 Stylistic means which are used to describe appearance 12  Conclusions to the 1st Сhapter 17  CHAPTER 2. LEXICO-SYNTACTICAL MEANS OF REPRESENTING APPEARANCE IN ENGLISH ADVERTISING  18  2.1 Lexical and syntactical means of displaying appearance in English speakers advertising texts  18  2.2 Lexico-syntactical group of stylistic devices and their usage while representing appearance  26  Conclusions to the 2nd Сhapter 32  CONCLUSIONS 33  REFERENCES 35      INTRODUCTION Actuality of theme it is manifested in the fact that advertising in the modern world plays an important role in the formation of consumer preferences, ideas about ideality and defining standards of beauty and attractiveness. In English-language advertising texts, there is an intensive use of linguistic techniques to effectively describe the appearance of products and services in order to attract the attention of the target audience and stimulate their consumer demand. Growing competition in the market and constant updating of advertising strategies create a need to study and understand linguistic means that most effectively influence consumers. Such analysis will help advertisers and marketers create more effective and attractive advertising campaigns aimed at English-speaking audiences. In addition, due to the spread of the Internet and social networks, advertising has become even more accessible and widespread. Thus, the study of linguistic techniques in advertising texts is relevant both for specialists in the field of marketing and advertising, and for linguists and cultural scientists who study the influence of speech on the formation of public perceptions and stereotypes. Thus, the study of lexical-syntactic means in English-language advertising to describe appearance is a relevant and important direction in modern linguistic research. Analysis of recent research and publications. Despite the significant interest of researchers such as S. Bally, I. V. Arnold, O. G. Pospelova and O. V. Oleksandrov, the concept of expressiveness remains a subject of discussion in modern English-language advertising discourse. On the one hand, it is related to the transfer of emotional elements to express subjective attitudes to the content or the audience. On the other hand, there are ongoing discussions about the effectiveness of expressiveness as a means of influence, especially in the representation of the appearance of persons. The goal of the study consists in the study of stylistic means used to reflect the appearance of a person in modern English-language advertising discourse. In view of the goal, the following tasks arise: 1. Identify the main lexical and syntactic means used in English-language advertising texts to describe the appearance of products or services. 2. To study typical stylistic techniques that are used to create an effective description of the appearance of goods or services in advertising texts in English. 3. Examine the use of lexical and syntactic means in advertising texts of various fields (for example, the automotive industry, fashion, cosmetics) to describe a person's appearance. 4. To investigate which lexical units and syntactic constructions most often attract the attention of the target audience in English-language advertising texts aimed at describing appearance. The object of research - the appearance of a person in modern English-language advertising discourse. The subject of research - stylistic means used to reflect a person's appearance in modern English-language advertising discourse. Research methods include textual analysis (for the study of the corpus of English-language advertising texts to identify patterns and trends in the use of lexical and syntactic means related to the description of appearance); comparative analysis (to compare different types of advertising texts or different industries to observe differences in the use of linguistic means). Practical meaning. Understanding the linguistic strategies used in advertising can help advertisers and marketers create more engaging and compelling content that resonates with their target audience. It can also be useful for language specialists, such as copywriters and translators, to adapt advertising content in different cultural and linguistic contexts. Scientific novelty. The study contributes to the field of linguistics by providing insights into the specific linguistic features and stylistic devices used in English-language advertising to describe appearance. It can reveal previously unknown patterns or shed light on the evolution of advertising language in response to cultural and societal changes. Structure of work. The qualification work consists of an introduction, three chapters with subsections, general conclusions, a list of used sources in the number of 35 names. CHAPTER 1. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND OF THE RESEARCH 1.1 Linguistic characteristics of English-language advertising text With the rapid development of the world economy, advertising has become an integral part of modern society, closely woven into almost all spheres of everyday life and has an increasingly intensive influence on the consciousness of the masses. Advertising text, as the main element of advertising, has become a popular object of research in modern linguistics. From a linguistic point of view, advertising as a discourse and as a mechanism of language use is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. Discourse is a combination of text and context into a single whole that interacts in such a way that its participants perceive it as meaningful and unified for communication (they are simultaneously part of the context and its observers) [34]. In linguistics, advertising discourse is defined as ways of using different language forms and linguistic techniques within the advertising genre, specific advertisements or campaigns, as well as in a wider context - in the advertising industry or in certain contexts within it. From this perspective, the advertising text within the advertising discourse is created with the aim of persuading consumers to purchase a specific product or service, or to present them as extremely attractive to the target audience. Therefore, in order for the message to perform a persuasive function, the consumer must first understand it, accept it and perceive the advertised product or service with a positive attitude [1]. English-language advertising texts have their own unique linguistic features aimed at attracting the attention of the audience and persuading them to purchase a product or service. Advertising texts are a real art of attracting attention and creating an emotional connection with the audience. They work on two levels: brightness and emotionality, as well as directness and brevity. Brightness and emotionality are revealed through the use of linguistic means that make the text expressive and attractive [13]. Metaphors, comparisons, allegories - all this helps to create a mood, evoke feelings and emotions in the reader. For example, an advertisement for cars might describe them as "living creatures bursting into an infinity of paths", creating an image of the car that inspires adventure and freedom. Directness and brevity are important to hold the audience's attention and convey information in a limited time or space. Every word in the advertising text should be as effective as possible, without unnecessary details or redundant words. For example, the phrase "50% off the entire collection until the end of the week" instantly conveys the offer and its validity period, leaving no room for misunderstanding. Thus, advertising texts successfully combine vividness and emotionality with directness and brevity in order to attract attention and effectively communicate with the audience. Advertising texts strategically use commonly accepted and effective words that are perceived most intensively by the target audience. These words can be aimed at stimulating action or evoking positive associations. For example, the words "buy", "order", "win" have a direct impact on the audience, causing them to want to act [2]. The involvement of psychological and social mechanisms in advertising texts plays a key role in encouraging the audience to take certain actions. This can include creating a sense of desire through the use of the word "today" or "immediately," which reinforces the need to act now. In addition, advertising texts can exploit social affiliation by citing examples of successful people who have used the product or service to emphasize its importance in achieving success. Such examples can motivate the audience to act, subconsciously striving to achieve the same status. Therefore, the use of effective words and the involvement of psychological and social mechanisms in advertising texts helps to create the maximum impact on the target audience, encouraging them to pay attention and act in accordance with the advertising message. Advertising texts skillfully use both emotional and rational appeals to motivate the audience to action [14]. On an emotional level, they can use strong emotional words and images to evoke feelings and gain attention. For example, advertising of children's toys can emphasize the joy and delight of children, stimulating the desire to give them happy moments. Rational appeals, on the other hand, provide arguments and evidence that support the benefits of a product or service. This may include statistics, research, expert reviews or benchmarking. For example, an advertisement for a cosmetic product may use clinically proven facts about the product's effectiveness in reducing wrinkles or improving the condition of the skin. In addition, formatting and visual elements play an important role in advertising texts, helping to attract attention and strengthen the impact of the message. Large fonts, bright colors, graphics and images help make the text more attractive and visible to the audience. They can emphasize key messages and create effective visual appeal that contributes to the memorability and effectiveness of advertising [3]. Advertising discourse is characterized by a long evolutionary process. Starting as an informational discourse with the purpose of persuasion, it has evolved into an emotional discourse aimed at influencing customers' intuitions and emotions to influence their consciousness. The effect of a persuasive message is manifested in the perception of information presented in advertising. Through a variety of linguistic devices, advertisers can create a variety of situational appeals to the audience, including imitating a conversation with an old friend or an appeal from a celebrity, which promotes better perception and, accordingly, increases the effectiveness of the persuasive message. The language of advertising subtly reflects the linguistic features of the society to which it is directed, aiming for maximum proximity to the target audience. It is important to note that although the concept of advertising language remains the same, in each nation it has its own unique features that reflect its cultural, philosophical and social aspects [8]. The language of advertising is closely related to the cultural characteristics, way of thinking, religious and social norms of each nation, which affects its perception and understanding. Clarity, comprehensibility and simplicity of the language of advertising contribute to its effectiveness, and taking into account national characteristics helps to increase its acceptability and response of the target audience. Such an approach is important for the successful creation of advertising content that would correspond to the specifics of the cultural context and at the same time correspond to the principles of the advertising text. In the modern English-language advertising context, language is used that is distinguished by simplicity, but has a deep meaning, using symbolic images as the main tool. This is due to the English-speaking mentality and traditional ethics, which are marked by a certain conservatism. In English culture, restraint, moderation and sophistication are valued, which is reflected in advertising content as a manifestation of individuality and style, different from European "openness". Therefore, even in cases where goods or services are advertised with a frank nature, advertisers, taking into account the specifics of culture, use linguistic means with a symbolic meaning to smooth out direct frankness [32]. English-language advertising texts always strive for simplicity and brevity, because this is what allows you to attract as much attention as possible to the audience. Advertisers prefer to use common vocabulary and short, simple sentences, avoiding complex constructions. Thanks to these simple means of expression, product information is conveyed quickly and effectively. Since the amount of advertising time is limited, English speeches and poems are often used to leave a deep impression on the memory of the target audience. English-language advertising manifests itself in two aspects. First, both in advertising and in other areas of life, the emphasis is on nationalism, patriotism, and differences from Western standards and mentality. On the other hand, the achievements of European advertising experience are often used in English-language advertising. All advertising texts, including English-language ones, can be classified according to their target orientation [20]: 1) Representative (informational): the texts provide information and are based on facts for the awareness of the client, having an unobtrusive character. For example: "Full HD 1080P dynamic LCD TV ultra-fine full high definition". 2) Directive - various types of calls to action: proposals, advice, appeals, requests, demands, etc. The main purpose of such texts is to stimulate the client to certain actions, often they use an imperative method. For example: " "Quick! Moisturize your skin!". 3) Commissive: provides guarantees regarding the fulfillment of the promises of the advertiser and his product, emphasizes the usefulness and safety of the products. For example: " ""30 minutes miracle, curing various cold symptoms." 4) Expressive: the texts are emotionally colored, they express the emotional aspects of the advertised products using various expressive means. For example: "Open Harbin welcomes you!". Various types of English-language advertising texts are often combined in order to achieve an optimal fusion of the idea of ​​advertising and methods of linguistic influence, contributing to a more effective interaction between the advertiser and the client. Linguistic characteristics of advertising text include defined structural elements such as logo, advertising slogan, headline, main text and additional subtexts, which are used depending on the goals and context of advertising. A logo or brand, often defined as an identifying symbol of a product, plays an important role in advertising as it helps consumers identify the product. Some consumers even choose a product based on its brand alone. An advertising slogan, as a key element of an advertising message, reflects the essence and style of speech [8]. His generalized and concise expressions can clearly convey the idea, purpose and features of the product. An effective advertising slogan is the key to instant brand recognition. For example, English advertising slogans such as "Drink at the Kong Family Banquet, world's literature." - "Drink Shandong wine, write about friendst" (advertisement of wine with a proverbntsand Shandong) or "Forever green, forever Qin Pool" - "Vireallygreen, vichneThesesneeze" (advertisement of wine "Cisneeze"), reflect associations that contribute to brand recognition and memory [4]. Linguistic characteristics of the English-language advertising text include the use of specific language tools in order to attract the attention of the audience and stimulate certain actions or reactions [11]: 1. Stylistic techniques: The use of figures of speech such as metaphors, epithets, similes and others to give the advertising text an emotional color and attractive character. "Unleash the power within you with our revolutionary fitness program." 2. Phonetic features: The use of pleasant sounds, rhythms and rhyming to create melody and ease of perception of the text. "Experience the soothing sensation of our silky smooth skincare products." 3. Syntactic features: Use of short, concise sentences or phrases to instantly attract attention and summarize the main message. "Achieve your dreams. Today. Now." 4. Lexical enhancements: Choosing words and phrases that most accurately reflect the benefits or characteristics of the advertised product to make the message more appealing to the audience. "Indulge in the decadent flavors of our gourmet chocolates." All these linguistic characteristics work together to create an effective and attractive advertising message that will attract attention and be remembered by the target audience. Repetition. Example: "Health is wealth, health is wealth." In this example, the phrase "Health is wealth" is repeated to emphasize the importance and meaning of health as the greatest value. Humor. Example: "Come quickly to eat XX, and your mood will soar to the sky!" This example uses humor to draw attention to the advertised product and stimulate a positive emotional response. Exaggeration. Example: "This product is so amazing, it's like a heavenly goddess!" This example uses exaggeration to emphasize the product's qualities and attract consumers' attention. 1.2 Stylistic means which are used to describe appearance In modern English-language advertising discourse, various stylistic devices are used to effectively describe the appearance of goods or services. One of the most common techniques is the use of metaphors and comparisons. These tools allow you to create impressive images that attract the attention of your target audience. Metaphors and similes can be especially effective when it comes to a person's appearance. For example, advertisements for beauty products may use metaphors to describe the effects of using them. For example, "this product makes your skin as shiny as the morning dew on a flower" or "this makeup will make your eyes as expressive as the stars in the sky." Such metaphorical comparisons help to create an emotionally charged image that encourages consumers to perceive the product or service in a more attractive light. In addition, they can help connect the product with positive associations, which increases its appeal to consumers [15]. Here are some ways we can use metaphors and similes to describe a person's appearance in English advertising discourses [20]: Creating images:Using metaphors helps create vivid, memorable images that consumers can easily visualize. For example, "Our cosmetics make your skin as radiant as the stars in the sky" - this creates an image of a luxurious, radiant look that attracts the attention of customers. Associations with positive feelings:Using comparisons with positive or attractive feelings helps consumers associate the product with happiness, confidence or elegance. For example, "Our clothes are your personal sun that dispels the grayness of the day." Highlighting the advantages:Metaphors can emphasize specific advantages of a product or service in terms of appearance. For example, "Our hair dye is magic that transforms gray hair into volume and shine." Involvement of emotions:The use of metaphors and similes can create an emotional connection with the consumer, making the product more attractive. For example, "Our perfume is not only a fragrance, but also a kiss that attracts attention and enchants." The beginning of the form Thus, the use of metaphors and similes in marketing allows us to effectively communicate the benefits of a product or service, making it more attractive and memorable for consumers. Emotional involvement: The use of emotional elements helps to create a connection between the consumer and the product, which makes the advertisement more memorable. For example, advertising can evoke feelings of happiness, sadness or nostalgia. In the context of describing a person's appearance in English-language advertising discourse, emotional engagement plays an important role in creating a compelling narrative that resonates with the audience. Instead of simply listing physical features, advertisers often use emotional language to evoke specific feelings or associations, thereby increasing the appeal of the product or service being advertised [7]. For example, instead of simply stating that the model is wearing a stylish outfit, an ad can describe her bright smile that brightens up a room, or her confident stride that exudes elegance and charm. By focusing on the emotional response caused by a person's appearance, advertising creates a deeper connection with the audience, making the message more impactful and memorable. Perfume advertising: "This fragrance doesn't just give you freshness, it creates an atmosphere of sensuality and romance. Every whisper of the wind carries notes of perfume that fill your day with peace and a sense of lightness." Advertisement of a fashion brand: "When you put on this suit, your confidence reaches new heights. Every seam and every button is filled with a sense of confidence and style that will turn any day into an unforgettable event." Advertising of cosmetics: "Our lipstick doesn't just beautify your lips, it awakens a sense of luxury. The color that blooms on your smile gives you confidence that draws the eye." Shampoo advertisement: "This shampoo doesn't just clean your hair, it gives you a feeling of freedom and freshness. Every drop creates a feeling of lightness and health that fills you with energy for the whole day." Additionally, by appealing to universal emotions such as joy, longing, or excitement, advertisers can appeal to a wider range of consumers, regardless of cultural or language differences. This emotional collaboration not only increases the effectiveness of advertising, but also promotes a sense of connection and familiarity with the brand, which ultimately increases consumer engagement and loyalty. Aesthetic appeal plays a key role in advertising discourse, especially when it comes to describing a person's appearance. The use of beautiful images, pleasant music and other aesthetic elements helps to create a positive impression about the product or service being advertised. In advertising, describing a person's appearance, aesthetic appeal is expressed through the use of language that encourages emotional perception. For example, instead of simply describing external attractiveness, advertisers can use generally accepted aesthetic ideals and beautiful language to create the impression of perfection [13]. When describing a person in advertising, you can use phrases such as "sophisticated image", "unsurpassed style", "captivating grace", or "elegant appeal". These expressions not only convey external attractiveness, but also create an atmosphere of aesthetic pleasure associated with the product or brand. "This sophisticated lady is the epitome of elegance and impeccable style. Her unmatched style and captivating grace are eye-catching, making her an essential part of any sophisticated event." "A graceful image appears on the screen that instantly captures the eye. This lady's elegant appeal speaks through every movement, every facial expression, creating an unparalleled impression and causing the desire to submit to her charm." "In this video, every frame is a masterpiece of aesthetics. The light dance of light and shadow emphasizes the sophistication and beauty of this fascinating model, reminding us that true attractiveness is reflected in every detail." Top of form Moreover, the use of beautiful images or video sequences that show a person in advertising emphasizes their aesthetic appeal and contributes to a positive impression of the product or service. For example, bright, aesthetically pleasing shots or witty use of light can help attract the viewer's attention and create an effect of sophistication and appeal [21]. Thus, aesthetic appeal in the advertising description of a person's appearance is determined not only by physical features, but also by the aesthetic impression it creates, which helps attract the attention and interest of the audience. The use of sociocultural aspects in the advertising description of a person's appearance plays a key role in the perception of the target audience. Advertisers often use popular trends, figures of speech, or famous characters to connect with consumers and draw their attention to a product or brand. For example, an advertising description of a person's appearance may use fashionable images or styles that are popular among the target audience. The use of such elements can create an impression of relevance and modernization, which will attract the attention of consumers who follow trends. Fashionable images and styles: Clothing advertising: A fashion image can be used to describe a person's appearance, for example, "the stylish Mr. X is wearing the latest collection from Y brand, which emphasizes his/her individuality and taste." Famous characters: Cosmetics ad: A picture of the popular actress with the caption "Just like Miss X, you can achieve the same gorgeous look with our products." Speech turns and phrases: Smartphone ad: "Collect all your #instamoments with the new smartphone from Z to stay connected and take stylish photos and videos." Hashtags and expressions that have become viral: Energy drink ad: "Don't miss your #energyboost with drink X that will energize you for the whole day!". In addition, advertising messages may include famous characters or stars that are highly popular in a socio-cultural context. For example, the use of popular actors, athletes or media personalities in advertising can promote a positive perception of the product or brand among fans of these characters [6]. In particular, advertising can use figures of speech or phrases that are characteristic of a certain socio-cultural group or teenage slang in order to address the target audience with a more effective perception. For example, the use of popular hashtags or expressions that have become viral on the Internet can attract the attention of a youth audience and help spread the advertising message. In general, stylistic devices in advertising are used to attract the attention of consumers, create a positive image of the product and stimulate their reaction, which ultimately contributes to increased sales. Conclusions to the 1st Chapter In this chapter, we delved into the theoretical background of the research, focusing on two main areas: the linguistic characteristics of English-language advertising text and the stylistic means used to describe appearance. Firstly, our exploration of the linguistic characteristics of English-language advertising text revealed several key elements. We identified the importance of persuasive language, concise messaging, and the strategic use of linguistic devices such as hyperbole, repetition, and rhetorical questions. These features collectively contribute to the effectiveness of advertising in capturing audience attention and motivating consumer behavior. Secondly, our examination of the stylistic means employed to describe appearance shed light on the various techniques used by advertisers to evoke specific imagery and emotions. From vivid imagery and sensory language to the strategic use of adjectives and figurative language, advertisers employ a range of stylistic tools to create compelling descriptions of products or individuals. Overall, this chapter underscores the intricacies of language and style in advertising discourse, highlighting the multifaceted strategies employed to engage audiences and convey persuasive messages. By understanding the linguistic and stylistic dimensions of advertising text, researchers and practitioners alike can gain valuable insights into the mechanisms underlying effective communication in the realm of advertising. These insights lay a solid foundation for the subsequent empirical investigation into the impact of linguistic and stylistic elements on consumer perceptions and behavior. CHAPTER 2. LEXICO-SYNTACTICAL MEANS OF REPRESENTING APPEARANCE IN ENGLISH ADVERTISING 2.1 Lexical and syntactical means of displaying appearance in English speakers advertising texts In English-language advertising texts, recourse to lexical and syntactic means to display appearance is a popular approach in order to attract the attention of the target audience and create a positive impression of the product or service. This approach involves the use of colorful, picturesque vocabulary that describes the appearance of the object or its characteristics in such a way as to make it attractive to the consumer. Words and phrases commonly used in such descriptions may include "stylish," "elegant," "modern," "luxurious," "alluring," "exclusive," "innovative," and other synonyms that give the product or provide an attractive appearance. In addition to lexical means, syntactic techniques can also be used to enhance the impression of the appearance of a product or service. For example, the use of rhetorical questions or structured sentences helps to focus attention on certain aspects of the object's appearance [24]. "This sleek and stylish smartphone boasts a slim profile and a glossy finish, making it a chic accessory for the modern individual." "The elegant and sophisticated design of our new car features flowing lines, luxurious upholstery, and cutting-edge technology, ensuring a driving experience like no other." "The vibrant red color of our lipstick catches the eye from across the room, making a bold statement with every application. Its rich hue adds a touch of glamor to any look, leaving you feeling confident and empowered throughout the day." "The smooth and glossy finish of our furniture not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your living space but also provides a luxurious tactile experience. Crafted with precision, each piece boasts a flawless texture that invites you to run your fingers along its surface, leaving you in awe of its beauty and craftsmanship." Advertising texts, when describing the colors and textures of products, use a variety of adjectives and nouns to provide detail and create a picturesque image. Let's consider these examples in more detail [14]: Embroidered skirt (embroidered skirt): Embroidered: This is an adjective that indicates that the skirt is decorated with embroidery. It provides information about the texture feature, depicting the hand or machine embroidery process, which can add sophistication and uniqueness to the product. Black patent bootie: Black: This adjective refers to the color of the product. It conveys the information that the ankle boot is black, which can be important for buyers looking for the black version. Lacquered: This is a noun that describes the texture or finish of an ankle boot. It indicates that the surface of the anklet is covered with varnish or a varnish-like material, which makes it shiny and smooth. These descriptive elements help create a picture of the product in the buyer's mind, allowing them to imagine what the product looks like, its features and qualities. Such a detailed description can help attract the attention and interest of buyers in the product. In advertising texts, when it is necessary to convey the shape and dimensions of the product, specific nouns are used that clearly indicate these characteristics. Let's consider the given examples in more detail [25]: Round table: Round: This is a noun that clearly indicates the shape of the table. It communicates that the table is round in shape, which can be an important feature for buyers looking for just the right round table for their space. Table: A basic noun that refers to the product itself. In the context of advertising, it helps to clarify that we are talking about furniture for sitting or sitting. Large shopping basket: Big: This noun conveys information about the size of the basket. He emphasizes that the basket has a significant volume, which can be useful for customers who are looking for a spacious basket for their purchases. Shopping cart: The main noun indicating the purpose of the product. In the context of the advertising message, it conveys that this cart is intended for use while shopping. The use of such specific nouns allows you to clearly and clearly convey information about the shape and dimensions of the product, which contributes to a better understanding of its characteristics by potential buyers. Specific nouns that refer to specific parts of a product can add more detail and clarity to describing the appearance. Consider the following examples with a more detailed explanation [28]: Gold chain (gold chain): Gold: This adjective refers to the material from which the chain is made. The indication of gold immediately draws attention to the luxury and elegance of the object. Chain: A basic noun indicating a specific part of the decoration. In this case, "chain" refers to a decorative element that can be used as a separate decoration or as part of another product, for example, a pendant or a watch. Steel wheels (steel wheels) [16]: Steel: This adjective refers to the material the wheels are made of. In the context of vehicles such as cars or bicycles, steel wheels can be a sign of strength and reliability. Wheels: A basic noun indicating a part of a vehicle. Wheels are the key part that provides movement and supports the weight of the vehicle. The use of such specific nouns helps to more clearly convey the characteristics of the product and create a more detailed image of the imagined item for potential buyers. Using nouns that describe the design and style of the product helps to reflect its character and attract the attention of the target audience. Consider the following examples
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