Інформація про навчальний заклад

Національний університет Львівська політехніка
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Інформація про роботу

Тип роботи:
Звіт про виконання лабораторної роботи
Організація баз даних і знань

Частина тексту файла (без зображень, графіків і формул):

МIНIСТЕРСТВО ОСВIТИ І НАУКИ УКРАЇНИ Національний унiверситет "Львiвська полiтехнiка"  Звіт про виконання лабораторної роботи № 1 на тему: «ПОСЛІДОВНИЙ МЕТОД ДОСТУПУ ДО ФАЙЛІВ НА ЗОВНІШНІХ ЗАПАМ’ЯТОВУЮЧИХ ПРИСТРОЯХ» з курсу : «Організація баз даних і знань» Львiв 2010 Тема роботи Послідовний метод доступу до файлів на зовнішніх запам’ятовуючих пристроях Мета роботи Розглянути органiзацiю i ведення файлiв послiдовного доступу; набути практичнi навички у програмуваннi алгоритмiв роботи з файлами послiдовного доступу. Лабораторне завдання Тема завдання: картинна галерея 1. Написати програму, яка реалізує такі функції: 1.1. Друк бази даних. 1.2. Пошук запису за введеним ключем. 1.3. Видалення запису за введеним ключем. 1.4. Вставлення запису. 1.5. Модифікація запису. 2. Написати програму групового оброблення файла даних, яка реалізує наступні функції: 2.1. Створення файлу повідомлень. 2.2. Друк бази даних. 2.3. Пошук запису за введеним ключем. 2.4. Видалення запису за введеним ключем. 2.5. Вставлення запису. 2.6. Модифікація запису. Текст програми #include "e:\tc\BIN\bd\DECL.CPP" void simpleMethod(void); void groupMethod(void); // Global Variables char FileNameDB [FILENAME_LENGTH]; char DirNameDB [FILENAME_LENGTH]; char * BufferFileName; char * BufferForGroupM; Status status; Action action; int Key = 1; void main (void) { clrscr(); printf("Insert filename of DataBase\n"); gets(FileNameDB); // initializing file names and path getcwd(DirNameDB, FILENAME_LENGTH); char str [FILENAME_LENGTH]; strcpy(str, DirNameDB); strcat(str, "\\buffer.txt"); BufferFileName = str; char str2 [FILENAME_LENGTH]; strcpy(str2, DirNameDB); strcat(str2, "\\bufferGM.txt"); BufferForGroupM = str2; // begin int answer; while(Key) { // show the main menu printf("\n%d - Simple method", SimpleHandle); printf("\n%d - Group handle method", GroupHandle); printf("\n%d - Show fileBD", ShowDB); printf("\n%d - Find record", Find); printf("\n%d - Exit\n", Exit); scanf("%d", &answer); switch(answer) { case SimpleHandle: { simpleMethod(); break; }; case GroupHandle: { groupMethod(); break; }; case ShowDB: { showDB(); break; }; case Exit: { Key = 0; break; }; case Find: { FILE * file = fopen(FileNameDB ,"r"); printf("\nEnter the number of picture-gallery you want to find "); int number; scanf("%d", &number); Record * pointer = findRecord(file, number); fclose(file); if (pointer != NULL) { displayRecord(*pointer); } else { printf("\nRecord not found"); } printf("\nPress any key to continue... \n"); getch(); break; }; case NOP: { break; }; default : Key = NOP; } } getch(); } void simpleMethod() { int localKey=1; int answer; while (localKey) { // show menu printf("\nSimple method"); - printf("\n%d-Insert", Insert); printf("\n%d-Modify", Modify); printf("\n%d-Delete", Delete); printf("\n%d-GoBack", GoBack); printf("\n%d-Exit\n", Exit); scanf("%d", &answer); switch(answer) { case Insert:{ printf("\nInsert"); Record record = createRecord(); simpleInsert(record); break; }; case Modify:{ printf("\nModify"); FILE * sourceFile = fopen(FileNameDB,"r"); printf("\nEnter number you want to modify "); int number; scanf("%d", &number); Record * pointer = findRecord(sourceFile, number); fclose(sourceFile); if ( pointer == NULL ) { printf("\nrecord not found"); } else { printf("\nHere is your old record"); displayRecord(*pointer); Record newRecord = createRecord(); simpleModify(newRecord); } break; }; case Delete:{ printf("\nDelete"); printf("\nEnter number you want to delete "); int number; scanf("%d", &number); simpleDelete(number); break; }; case GoBack:{ localKey=0; break; }; case Exit: { localKey=0; Key=0; break; }; default: { printf("\nwrong answer"); }; } } } void groupMethod() { int localKey=1; int answer; while (localKey) { // show menu printf("\nGroup method"); printf("\n%d-Insert", Insert); printf("\n%d-Modify", Modify); printf("\n%d-Delete", Delete); printf("\n%d-GoBack", GoBack); printf("\n%d-Exit", Exit); printf("\n%d-Save\n", Save); scanf("%d", &answer); switch(answer) { case Insert:{ printf("\nInsert"); RecordG rec; rec.record = createRecord(); rec.action = Insert; groupInsert(rec); break; }; case Modify:{ printf("\nModify"); FILE * sourceFile = fopen(FileNameDB,"r"); printf("\nEnter number you want to modify "); int number; scanf("%d", &number); Record * pointer = findRecord(sourceFile, number); fclose(sourceFile); if ( pointer == NULL ) { FILE * buffer = fopen(BufferForGroupM,"r"); pointer = findRecordG(buffer, number); fclose(buffer); if ( pointer == NULL ) { printf("\nrecord not found"); } else { printf("\nHere is your old record"); displayRecord(*pointer); Record rec = createRecord(); groupModify(rec); } } else { printf("\nHere is your old record"); displayRecord(*pointer); Record rec = createRecord(); groupModify(rec); } break; }; case Delete:{ printf("\nDelete"); printf("\nEnter number you want to delete "); int number; scanf("%d", &number); groupDelete(number); break; }; case GoBack:{ localKey=0; break; }; case Exit: { localKey=0; Key=0; break; }; case Save: { printf("\nSave"); groupSave(); break; }; default: { printf("\nwrong answer"); }; } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// extern char FileNameDB []; void showDB() { FILE * filepointer = fopen(FileNameDB ,"r"); Record buffer; if (filepointer == NULL ) { printf("\nFile not found\n"); getch(); } else { while(feof(filepointer) == 0) { buffer = readRecord(filepointer); displayRecord(buffer); printf("\n\nPress 'enter' to continue...\n"); getch(); } } printf("\n"); delete(&buffer); fclose(filepointer); } void writeRecord(FILE * filepointer, Record record) { fprintf(filepointer, "\n%d ", record.numberOfApplication); fprintf(filepointer, "%d ", record.person); fprintf(filepointer, "%s ", record.name); fprintf(filepointer, "%s ", record.surname); fprintf(filepointer, "%s ", record.patronymic); fprintf(filepointer, "%s ", record.country); fprintf(filepointer, "%s ", record.genre); fprintf(filepointer, "%s ", record.year); fprintf(filepointer, "%s ", record.title); fprintf(filepointer, "%s", record.place ); } void displayRecord(Record pointer) { printf("\nNumberInList: %d ", pointer.numberOfApplication); printf("\nSex : %s ", ((pointer.person == Male)?"Male":"Female")); printf("\nName :%s ", pointer.name); printf("\nSurname: %s ", pointer.surname); printf("\npatronymic: %s ", pointer.patronymic); printf("\ncountry: %s ", pointer.country); printf("\ngenre: %s ", pointer.genre); printf("\nyear: %s ", pointer.year); printf("\ntitle: %s ", pointer.title); printf("\nplace: %s", pointer.place ); } Record readRecord(FILE * filepointer) { Record buffer; // reading data from file fscanf(filepointer, "\n%d", &(buffer.numberOfApplication)); fscanf(filepointer, "%d", &(buffer.person)); fscanf(filepointer, "%s", buffer.name); fscanf(filepointer, "%s", buffer.surname); fscanf(filepointer, "%s", buffer.patronymic); fscanf(filepointer, "%s", buffer.country); fscanf(filepointer, "%s", &(buffer.genre)); fscanf(filepointer, "%s", &(buffer.year)); fscanf(filepointer, "%s", buffer.title); fscanf(filepointer, "%s", buffer.place ); return buffer; } Record * findRecord(FILE * filepointer, int numberOfApplication) { Record * target = NULL; static Record rec; while ( feof(filepointer) == 0 ) { rec = readRecord(filepointer); if (rec.numberOfApplication == numberOfApplication) { target = &rec; break; } else { target = NULL; } } return target; } Record createRecord() { Record record; printf("\nLet's create the record"); printf("\nEnter NumberInList "); scanf("%d", &(record.numberOfApplication)); printf("Enter sex (0 - Male, 1 - Female) "); scanf("%d", &record.person); printf("Enter name of artist "); scanf("%s", record.name); printf("Enter surname of artist "); scanf("%s", record.surname); printf("Enter patronymic of artist "); scanf("%s", record.patronymic); printf("Enter country of artist "); scanf("%s", record.country); printf("Enter genre "); scanf("%s", &(record.genre)); printf("Enter year "); scanf("%s", &(record.year)); printf("Enter title "); scanf(" %s", record.title); printf("Enter place "); scanf(" %s", record.place ); return record; } Record createNullRecord() { Record record; record.numberOfApplication = 0; record.person = Female; strcpy(record.name, "unknown"); strcpy(record.surname, "unknown"); strcpy(record.patronymic, "unknown"); strcpy(record.country, "unknown"); strcpy(record.genre, "unknown"); strcpy(record.year, "unknown"); strcpy(record.title, "unknown"); strcpy(record.place , "unknown"); return record; } Record * findRecordG(FILE * filepointer, int numberOfApplication) { RecordG * target = NULL; static RecordG recG; while ( feof(filepointer) == 0 ) { recG.record = readRecord(filepointer); fscanf(filepointer, "%d", recG.action); if ((recG.record.numberOfApplication == numberOfApplication) && (recG.action != Delete)) { target = &recG; //break; } else { target = NULL; } } return &((*target).record); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <dir.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define FILENAME_LENGTH 70 #define NAME_LENGTH 70 #define country_LENGTH 70 #define patronymic_LENGTH 70 #define title_LENGTH 70 //#define NUMBER_OF_VISIBLE_RECORDS 70 // ==========DATA STRUCTURES============ enum Person { Male, Female }; enum Action { Insert, Modify, Delete, Find, GoBack, Exit, Save, NOP }; enum Status { SimpleHandle, GroupHandle, ShowDB }; struct Record { int numberOfApplication; Person person; char name [NAME_LENGTH]; char surname [NAME_LENGTH]; char patronymic [patronymic_LENGTH]; char country [country_LENGTH]; char genre [NAME_LENGTH]; char year [NAME_LENGTH]; char title [title_LENGTH]; char place [FILENAME_LENGTH]; }; struct RecordG { Record record; Action action; }; struct ListItem { RecordG recordG; ListItem * next; }; // ------ PROTOTYPES -------- // basic methods void showDB(void); void writeRecord(FILE * , Record); void displayRecord(Record); Record readRecord(FILE * ); Record * findRecord(FILE * , int ); Record createRecord(void); Record createNullRecord(); Record * findRecordG(FILE * , int); // simple Method void simpleInsert(Record); void simpleDelete(int); void simpleModify(Record); // grouphnadle method void groupInsert(RecordG); void groupDelete(int); void groupModify(Record); void groupSave(void); ListItem * createList(FILE * ); void groupHandleRecord(FILE *, int ); void deteteCollision(ListItem ** , ListItem * ); int getListLength(ListItem * ); void sortList(ListItem ** ); void swap(ListItem ** ,ListItem * , ListItem * ); void showList(ListItem * ); void fixCollisions(ListItem ** ); void deleteCollision(ListItem ** , ListItem * ); void deleteList(ListItem * ); // including files #include "e:\tc\BIN\bd\BASIC.CPP" #include "e:\tc\BIN\bd\SIMPLEM.CPP" #include "e:\tc\BIN\bd\GROUPM.CPP" //////////////////////////////////////////// // Global Variables extern char FileNameDB [FILENAME_LENGTH]; extern char DirNameDB [FILENAME_LENGTH]; extern char * BufferForGroupM; void groupInsert(RecordG recG) { FILE * buffer = fopen(BufferForGroupM, "a"); writeRecord(buffer, recG.record); fprintf(buffer, " %d", recG.action); fclose(buffer); } void groupDelete(int numberOfApplication) { RecordG recG; recG.record = createNullRecord(); recG.record.numberOfApplication = numberOfApplication; recG.action = Delete; groupInsert(recG); } void groupModify(Record rec) { RecordG recG; recG.record = rec; recG.action = Modify; groupInsert(recG); } void groupSave() { // read from file buffer records and create the list FILE * file = fopen(BufferForGroupM, "r"); ListItem * head = createList(file); fclose(file); remove(BufferForGroupM); sortList(&head); // let's delete collisions fixCollisions(&head); // open and/or create files file = fopen(FileNameDB, "r"); FILE * targetFile = fopen(BufferForGroupM, "w"); Record record; Record * oldRecord = NULL; ListItem * pointer = head; int key = 1; record = readRecord(file); // begin writtin records while ((feof(file) == 0) && (key)) { if ( record.numberOfApplication == pointer->recordG.record.numberOfApplication ) { // what we do when = if ( pointer->recordG.action != Delete ) { if (pointer->recordG.action != Modify) { writeRecord(targetFile, pointer->recordG.record); } else { printf("\Warning: overwrite old record by new. Number of application %d", record.numberOfApplication); writeRecord(targetFile, pointer->recordG.record); } } if ((feof(file) != 0) || (pointer->next == NULL)) { // save the last record if ( pointer->recordG.action == Delete ) { oldRecord = NULL; } else { oldRecord = &record; } if (pointer->next == NULL) { pointer = NULL; } } else { if (pointer->next != NULL) { pointer = pointer->next; } if (feof(file) == 0) { record = readRecord(file); } // cheking whether the end of file or list reached if ((feof(file) != 0) || (pointer->next == NULL)) { // save the last record if ( pointer->recordG.action == Delete ) { oldRecord = NULL; } else { oldRecord = &record; } } } //------------------------------ } else { if ( record.numberOfApplication < pointer->recordG.record.numberOfApplication ) { // what we do when < writeRecord(targetFile, record); record = readRecord(file); if (feof(file) != 0) { oldRecord = &record; } //------------------------ } else { // what we do when > while ( (record.numberOfApplication > pointer->recordG.record.numberOfApplication) && (key) ) { if ( pointer->recordG.action == Insert ) { writeRecord(targetFile, pointer->recordG.record); } if ( pointer->next == NULL ) { // save the last record oldRecord = &record; key = 0; } else { pointer = pointer->next; } } //------------------------------ } } } // cycle end if (feof(file) != 0) { int triger = 0; while (pointer != NULL) { printf("\nok\n"); if (pointer->recordG.action == Insert) { if ((pointer->recordG.record.numberOfApplication < oldRecord->numberOfApplication) || (triger == 1)) { writeRecord(targetFile, pointer->recordG.record); pointer = pointer->next; } else { printf("\nfirst\n"); if (oldRecord != NULL) { printf("\nhere i am\n"); // write the last record from cycle writeRecord(targetFile, *oldRecord); writeRecord(targetFile, pointer->recordG.record); } pointer = pointer->next; triger = 1; } } else { oldRecord = NULL; pointer = pointer->next; } } if (triger == 0) { if (oldRecord != NULL) { writeRecord(targetFile, *oldRecord); } } } else { // if the list is ended if (oldRecord != NULL) { // write the last record from cycle writeRecord(targetFile, *oldRecord); } // if the list is end if ( pointer == NULL) { Record buffer; while (feof(file) == 0) { buffer = readRecord(file); writeRecord(targetFile, buffer); } } } // close streams fclose(targetFile); fclose(file); // delete list deleteList(head); // remove & rename files remove(FileNameDB); rename(BufferForGroupM, FileNameDB); } ListItem * createList(FILE * file) { RecordG recG; recG.record = readRecord(file); fscanf(file,"%d",&(recG.action)); ListItem * head = (ListItem *)malloc(sizeof(struct ListItem)); head->recordG = recG; head->next = NULL; ListItem * pointer = head; while( feof(file)==0 ) { recG.record = readRecord(file); fscanf(file,"%d",&(recG.action)); pointer->next = (ListItem *)malloc(sizeof(struct ListItem)); pointer = pointer->next; pointer->recordG = recG; pointer->next = NULL; } return head; } int getListLength(ListItem * head) { ListItem * pointer = head; int result = 0; while (pointer != NULL) { pointer = pointer->next; result++; } return result; } void sortList(ListItem ** head) { int i,j; ListItem * pointer = * head; for (i = 0; i < getListLength(*head)-1; i++) { for (j = 0; j < getListLength(*head)-1; j++) { if (pointer->recordG.record.numberOfApplication > pointer->next->recordG.record.numberOfApplication) { swap(head, pointer, pointer->next); } else { pointer = pointer->next; } } pointer = *head; } } void swap(ListItem ** head, ListItem * rec1, ListItem * rec2) { ListItem * buffer = rec2->next; rec2->next = rec1; rec1->next = buffer; if ( rec1 == *head ) { *head = rec2; } else { ListItem * pointerToPrev = *head; while (pointerToPrev->next != rec1) { pointerToPrev = pointerToPrev->next; } pointerToPrev->next = rec2; } } void showList(ListItem * head) { ListItem * pointer = head; printf("\n"); while (pointer != NULL) { displayRecord(pointer->recordG.record); pointer = pointer->next; } } void deleteCollision(ListItem ** head, ListItem * rec1) { ListItem * forDelete; if ( rec1 == *head ) { forDelete = *head; *head = (*head)->next->next; } else { ListItem * pointerToPrev = *head; while (pointerToPrev->next != rec1) { pointerToPrev = pointerToPrev->next; } forDelete = rec1; pointerToPrev->next = rec1->next->next; } free(forDelete->next); free(forDelete); } void fixCollisions(ListItem ** head) { ListItem * pointer = *head; while ( pointer != NULL ) { if (pointer->recordG.record.numberOfApplication == pointer->next->recordG.record.numberOfApplication) { if (pointer->recordG.action == Insert) { if (pointer->next->recordG.action == Delete) { deleteCollision(head, pointer); pointer = *head; } else { printf("\nThere is some error in buffer file(wrong action with record number %)", pointer->recordG.record.numberOfApplication); pointer = pointer->next; } } else { pointer = pointer->next; } } else { pointer = pointer->next; } } } void deleteList(ListItem * head) { ListItem * pointer; while (head->next != NULL) { pointer = head; head = head->next; free(pointer); } free(head); } ///////////////////////////////// extern char FileNameDB [FILENAME_LENGTH]; extern char DirNameDB [FILENAME_LENGTH]; extern char * BufferFileName; void simpleInsert(Record record) { FILE * sourceFile = fopen(FileNameDB,"r"); Record recFromSF; int triger = 0; if ( getc(sourceFile) != EOF ) { // set the pointer to the begin of file fseek(sourceFile,0,SEEK_SET); FILE * buffer = fopen(BufferFileName, "w"); recFromSF = readRecord(sourceFile); // checking number and write while(recFromSF.numberOfApplication < record.numberOfApplication) { writeRecord(buffer, recFromSF); if ( feof(sourceFile) != 0 ) { break; } else { recFromSF = readRecord(sourceFile); } } // write that record which store in 'record' writeRecord(buffer, record); if (recFromSF.numberOfApplication > record.numberOfApplication) { writeRecord(buffer, recFromSF); } while ((feof(sourceFile) == 0) && (recFromSF.numberOfApplication > record.numberOfApplication)) { recFromSF = readRecord(sourceFile); writeRecord(buffer, recFromSF); } // close sreams fclose(buffer); fclose(sourceFile); // remove source file and rename targetFile remove(FileNameDB); rename(BufferFileName, FileNameDB); } else { fclose(sourceFile); sourceFile = fopen(FileNameDB, "w"); writeRecord(sourceFile, record); fclose(sourceFile); } } void simpleDelete(int numberOfApplication) { FILE * sourceFile = fopen(FileNameDB,"r"); int triger = 0; Record recFromSource; // if it is not empty file if ( getc(sourceFile) != EOF ) { fseek(sourceFile,0,SEEK_SET); FILE * buffer = fopen(BufferFileName, "w"); // while not end of file while ( feof(sourceFile) == 0 ) { recFromSource = readRecord(sourceFile); if (recFromSource.numberOfApplication != numberOfApplication) { writeRecord(buffer, recFromSource); } else { // it meens that we lost that record that we ought to lose triger = 1; } } if ( triger == 0 ) { printf("\nrecord was not found\n"); } // closing and renaming fclose(sourceFile); fclose(buffer); remove(FileNameDB); rename(BufferFileName, FileNameDB); } else { printf("\nFile not found or file is empty\n"); } } void simpleModify(Record newRecord) { // modify is a delete old record + insert new record simpleDelete(newRecord.numberOfApplication); simpleInsert(newRecord); } Результати виконання програми Головне меню:  Приклад файлу бази даних 1 0 Ivan Ayvazovskiy konstyantinovich rosiya peyzash 1835 devyatiy_billow lviv 2 0 Ivan shishkin Ivanovich rosiya peyzach 1839 forest_dalechiti Lviv 3 0 Vasil Petrov Grigorovich rosia portrait 1850 Poetrait_Dostoevskogo Lviv 4 0 Karl Bryulov Pavlovich rosiya peyzash 1729 ostani_days_pompei Lviv 5 0 Yuriy Badger Viktorovich Ukraine peyzash 2008 vada lviv 6 1 Cvitlana Berdnuk Ivanivna Ukraine peyzash 2008 Molnia lviv 7 0 Pavlo Guzenko Davud Ukraine still_life 2008 sribnui_still_life Lviv 8 1 Anna Vasulivna Zamelyukhina Ukraine peyzash 2007 nich lviv 9 0 Pavel Kocherzhenko Dmutrovuch Ukraine peyzash 2004 vazu Lviv 10 1 Anzhela Melnikova Yrivna Ukraine peyzash 2007 Liliy Lviv 11 1 Tatyna Melnikova Yrivna Ukraine peyzach 2008 Surene Lviv 12 0 Dmutro Sevrykov Pavlovich Ukraine peyzach 2008 Kvitu Lviv 13 0 Sergey Sinelnikov Ivanovich Ukraine peyzach 2008 Pereprava Lviv 14 1 Tatyna Chebrava Vasulivna Ukraine peyzach 2008 Meteluk Lviv 15 0 Dmitriy Sevryukov Romanovuch Ukraine peyzach 2008 Lis Lviv 16 0 Sergiy Sokursriy Petrovuch Ukraine portret 2008 Galy Lviv 17 0 Ivan shishkin Ivanovich rosiya peyzach 1839 zima Lviv 18 0 Vasil Petrov Grigorovich rosia portrait 1850 Poetrait_vasuly Lviv 19 0 Karl Bryulov Pavlovich rosiya peyzash 1729 chmaru Lviv 20 0 Yuriy Badger Viktorovich Ukraine peyzash 2008 conche Lviv 21 1 Cvitlana Berdnuk Ivanivna Ukraine peyzash 2008 zemly lviv 22 0 Pavlo Guzenko Davud Ukraine still_life 2008 derevo Lviv 23 1 Anna Vasulivna Zamelyukhina Ukraine peyzash 2007 zachd_conchy lviv 24 0 Dmutro Sevrykov Pavlovich Ukraine peyzach 2008 Kvitu Lviv 25 0 Sergey Sinelnikov Ivanovich Ukraine peyzach 2008 Pereprava Lviv 26 1 Tatyna Chebrava Vasulivna Ukraine peyzach 2008 Meteluk Lviv 27 1 Pavlo Horetdy Mark Poland portret 2005 Locha Lviv 28 1 nds ivhs] viseh esivh seovjh osjve esjv sjevp 29 0 Pavlo Guzenko Davud Ukraine still_life 2008 derevo Lviv 48 0 Dmutro Sevrykov Pavlovich Ukraine peyzach 2008 Kvitu Lviv Стан бази даних після додавання запису № 30 та видаляння запису № 8 та модифікація 12 База даних 1 0 Ivan Ayvazovskiy konstyantinovich rosiya peyzash 1835 devyatiy_billow lviv 2 0 Ivan shishkin Ivanovich rosiya peyzach 1839 forest_dalechiti Lviv 3 0 Vasil Petrov Grigorovich rosia portrait 1850 Poetrait_Dostoevskogo Lviv 4 0 Karl Bryulov Pavlovich rosiya peyzash 1729 ostani_days_pompei Lviv 5 0 Yuriy Badger Viktorovich Ukraine peyzash 2008 vada lviv 6 1 Cvitlana Berdnuk Ivanivna Ukraine peyzash 2008 Molnia lviv 7 0 Pavlo Guzenko Davud Ukraine still_life 2008 sribnui_still_life Lviv 9 0 Pavel Kocherzhenko Dmutrovuch Ukraine peyzash 2004 vazu Lviv 10 1 Anzhela Melnikova Yrivna Ukraine peyzash 2007 Liliy Lviv 11 1 Tatyna Melnikova Yrivna Ukraine peyzach 2008 Surene Lviv 12 0 Anton Pavlov Ivanovuch Poland istoruchnuj 1956 Zasidka Lviv 13 0 Sergey Sinelnikov Ivanovich Ukraine peyzach 2008 Pereprava Lviv 14 1 Tatyna Chebrava Vasulivna Ukraine peyzach 2008 Meteluk Lviv 15 0 Dmitriy Sevryukov Romanovuch Ukraine peyzach 2008 Lis Lviv 16 0 Sergiy Sokursriy Petrovuch Ukraine portret 2008 Galy Lviv 17 0 Ivan shishkin Ivanovich rosiya peyzach 1839 zima Lviv 18 0 Vasil Petrov Grigorovich rosia portrait 1850 Poetrait_vasuly Lviv 19 0 Karl Bryulov Pavlovich rosiya peyzash 1729 chmaru Lviv 20 0 Yuriy Badger Viktorovich Ukraine peyzash 2008 conche Lviv 21 1 Cvitlana Berdnuk Ivanivna Ukraine peyzash 2008 zemly lviv 22 0 Pavlo Guzenko Davud Ukraine still_life 2008 derevo Lviv 23 1 Anna Vasulivna Zamelyukhina Ukraine peyzash 2007 zachd_conchy lviv 24 0 Dmutro Sevrykov Pavlovich Ukraine peyzach 2008 Kvitu Lviv 25 0 Sergey Sinelnikov Ivanovich Ukraine peyzach 2008 Pereprava Lviv 26 1 Tatyna Chebrava Vasulivna Ukraine peyzach 2008 Meteluk Lviv 27 1 Pavlo Horetdy Mark Poland portret 2005 Locha Lviv 28 1 nds ivhs] viseh esivh seovjh osjve esjv sjevp 29 0 Pavlo Guzenko Davud Ukraine still_life 2008 derevo Lviv 30 0 Vasil Petrov Grigorovich rosia postmodernizm 1850 Pofer Lviv 48 0 Dmutro Sevrykov Pavlovich Ukraine peyzach 2008 Kvitu Lviv Висновки На цій лабораторній роботі я розглянув органiзацiю i ведення файлiв послiдовного доступу; набув практичнi навички у програмуваннi алгоритмiв роботи з файлами послiдовного доступу.
Антиботан аватар за замовчуванням

01.01.1970 03:01-


Ви не можете залишити коментар. Для цього, будь ласка, увійдіть або зареєструйтесь.

Ділись своїми роботами та отримуй миттєві бонуси!

Маєш корисні навчальні матеріали, які припадають пилом на твоєму комп'ютері? Розрахункові, лабораторні, практичні чи контрольні роботи — завантажуй їх прямо зараз і одразу отримуй бали на свій рахунок! Заархівуй всі файли в один .zip (до 100 МБ) або завантажуй кожен файл окремо. Внесок у спільноту – це легкий спосіб допомогти іншим та отримати додаткові можливості на сайті. Твої старі роботи можуть приносити тобі нові нагороди!
Нічого не вибрано

Оголошення від адміністратора

Антиботан аватар за замовчуванням

Подякувати Студентському архіву довільною сумою


26.02.2023 12:38

Дякуємо, що користуєтесь нашим архівом!