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Національний університет Львівська політехніка
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Інформація про роботу

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Міністерство освіти та науки України Національний університет «Львівська політехніка»  ЗВІТ З лабораторних робіт №1-4 З дисципліни: «Програмування ч.4» Мета: 1) Дано натуральне n, обчислити 1/1! + 1/2! + … + 1/n! 2) Дано два зростаючих масиви, знайти спільні елементи в масивах 3) Вивести всі підмножини множини {1..k} 4) Перерахувати всі способи розстановки n ферзів на шахівниці n на n, при яких вони не б'ють один одного. Блок-схеми: 1)  2) 3) 4) Лістінги програм: /****************************************************************\ FILE..........: main.cpp AUTHOR........: Kuzyk Galja DESCRIPTION...: The header file contains programming_labs. METHOD........: result, Similar_elements, get_Count, Generate, Create_arr, show_arr, mod_arr, Exit, Backtracking FUNCTIONS.....: factorial_, Similar_elements, Generate, Create_arr, show_arr, mod_arr, Exit, Backtracking SWITCHES......: WIN32 - if defined, 32-bit version is compiled, otherwise 16-bit edition is compiled. COPYRIGHT.....: Copyright (c) 2010. HISTORY.......: DATE COMMENT -------- -------------------------------------- - 04-03-10 Created - Galja 04-03-10 Modified - Galja \****************************************************************/ /*===============================[ PUBLIC DECLARATIONS ]========*/ #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include "main.h" using namespace std; int main () { /*===============================[ OBJECT DECLARATIONS ]========*/ CFactorial* factorial; // pointer by CFactorial CSimilar* similar; // pointer by CSimilar CSubset* sub; // pointer by CSubset CQueen* queen; // pointer by CQueen /*===============================[ PRIVATE DECLARATIONS]=======*/ int labs; while(true) { system("cls"); cout << "Select number of labs: "; cin >> labs; switch(labs) { case 1: cout << "Object-oriented method" << endl; int iN; cout << "n = "; cin >> iN; factorial = new CFactorial(iN); factorial->result(); system("PAUSE"); system("cls"); cout << "Procedure-oriented method" << endl; cout << endl; cout << "n = "; cin >> iN; factorial_(iN); system("PAUSE"); break; case 2: cout << "Object-oriented method" << endl; int iK, iL; cout << "k = "; cin >> iK; cout << "l = "; cin >> iL; similar = new CSimilar(iK,iL); similar->Similar_elements(); cout << "Odnakovuh elementib " << similar->get_Count() << endl; system("PAUSE"); system("cls"); cout << "Procedure-oriented method" << endl; cout << "k = "; cin >> iK; cout << "l = "; cin >> iL; cout << "Odnakovuh elementib " << Similar_elements(iK, iL) << endl; system("PAUSE"); break; case 3: cout << "Object-oriented method" << endl; cout << "k = "; cin >> iK; sub = new CSubset(iK); sub->Generate(); system("PAUSE"); system("cls"); cout << "Procedure-oriented method" << endl; cout << "k = "; cin >> iK; Generate(iK); system("PAUSE"); break; case 4: int iCount; cout << "Object-oriented method" << endl; cout << "n = "; cin >> iN; queen = new CQueen(iN); queen->Create_arr(); queen->Backtracking(1); queen->Print_Count(); queen->~CQueen(); system("PAUSE"); system("cls"); iCount = 0; int* piArr; int** ppiDoshka; cout << "Procedure-oriented method" << endl; cout << "n = "; cin >> iN; piArr = new int[iN]; ppiDoshka = new int*[iN]; for(int i=0;i<iN;i++) { ppiDoshka[i] = new int[iN]; } Create_arr(ppiDoshka, iN); cout << "Roztashyvannja " << iN << " ferziv:" << endl; Backtracking(1, ppiDoshka, iN, piArr, &iCount); cout << "Vsogo " << iCount << " roztashyvan" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < iN; i++) { delete ppiDoshka[i]; } delete ppiDoshka; cout << endl; system("PAUSE"); break; case 5: break; default: system("PAUSE"); return 0; } } } /*===============================[ LABA #1 ]===================*/ /****************************************************************\ METHOD........: CFactorial DESCRIPTION...: Initializing variables ATTRIBUTES....: Public ARGUMENTS.....: None RETURNS.......: void \****************************************************************/ CFactorial::CFactorial(int iN) { m_iN = iN; } /****************************************************************\ METHOD........: show_result DESCRIPTION...: Calculate number 1 / 0! + 1 / 1! + 1 / 2! + ... + 1 / n! ATTRIBUTES....: Public ARGUMENTS.....: None RETURNS.......: void NOTES.........: Example: m_iN Result ---- ------ 1 1 2 1.5 3 1.66667 \****************************************************************/ void CFactorial::result() { float fltSum = 0; //sum of row int iFact = 1; //Formation of Factorial and summation line for(int i = 1; i <= m_iN; i++) { iFact *= i; //Calculated factorial fltSum += 1.0 / iFact; //Calculated sum of row } cout << "Result: " << fltSum << endl; } /****************************************************************\ FUNCTION......: factorial DESCRIPTION...: Calculate number 1 / 0! + 1 / 1! + 1 / 2! + ... + 1 / n! ATTRIBUTES....: Public ARGUMENTS.....: iN - number of iteration RETURNS.......: void NOTES.........: Example: iN Result ---- ------ 1 1 2 1.5 3 1.66667 \****************************************************************/ void factorial_ (int iN){ float fltSum = 0; //sum of row int iFact = 1; //Formation of Factorial and summation line for(int i = 1; i <= iN; i++) { iFact *= i; //Calculated factorial fltSum += 1.0 / iFact; //Calculated sum of row } cout << "Result: " << fltSum << endl; } /*===============================[ END LABA #1 ]===================*/ /*===============================[ LABA #2 ]===================*/ /****************************************************************\ METHOD........: CSimilar DESCRIPTION...: Initializing variables ATTRIBUTES....: Public ARGUMENTS.....: iK - size first array iL - size second array RETURNS.......: void \****************************************************************/ CSimilar::CSimilar(int iK, int iL) { m_iCount = 0; m_piArrX = new int[iK]; m_piArrY = new int[iL]; m_iK = iK; m_iL = iL; for(int i=0;i<iK;i++) { cout << "x[" << i << "] = "; cin >> m_piArrX[i]; } for(int i=0;i<iL;i++) { cout << "y[" << i << "] = "; cin >> m_piArrY[i]; } } /****************************************************************\ METHOD........: Similar_elements DESCRIPTION...: Find similar items. ATTRIBUTES....: Public ARGUMENTS.....: none RETURNS.......: void \****************************************************************/ void CSimilar::Similar_elements() { for(int i=0;i<m_iK;i++) { for(int j=0;m_piArrY[j]<=m_piArrX[i];j++) { if (m_piArrY[j]==m_piArrX[i]) { cout << m_piArrX[i] << " "; m_iCount++; } } } cout << endl; } /****************************************************************\ METHOD........: get_Count DESCRIPTION...: Outpup count of items. ATTRIBUTES....: Public ARGUMENTS.....: none RETURNS.......: void \****************************************************************/ int CSimilar::get_Count() { return m_iCount; } /****************************************************************\ FUNCTION......: Similar_elements DESCRIPTION...: Find similar items. ATTRIBUTES....: Public ARGUMENTS.....: iK - size first array iL - size second array RETURNS.......: void \****************************************************************/ int Similar_elements(int iK, int iL) { int iCount = 0; int* piArrX = new int[iK]; int* piArrY = new int[iL]; for(int i=0;i<iK;i++) { cout << "x[" << i << "] = "; cin >> piArrX[i]; } for(int i=0;i<iL;i++) { cout << "y[" << i << "] = "; cin >> piArrY[i]; } for(int i=0;i<iK;i++) { for(int j=0;piArrY[j]<=piArrX[i];j++) { if (piArrY[j]==piArrX[i]) { cout << piArrX[i] << " "; iCount++; } } } cout << endl; return iCount; } /*===============================[ END LABA #2 ]===================*/ /*===============================[ LABA #3 ]===================*/ /****************************************************************\ METHOD........: CSubset DESCRIPTION...: Initializing variables ATTRIBUTES....: Public ARGUMENTS.....: iK - size of set RETURNS.......: none \****************************************************************/ CSubset::CSubset(int iK) { m_iK = iK; } /****************************************************************\ METHOD........: Generate DESCRIPTION...: Generate all subset ATTRIBUTES....: Public ARGUMENTS.....: none RETURNS.......: void \****************************************************************/ void CSubset::Generate() { m_iK++; int* iArrB = new int[m_iK]; int i; while (iArrB[m_iK-1]!=0) { i=1; while (iArrB[i]==1) { iArrB[i]=0; i++; } iArrB[i]=1; cout << "{"; for(i=0; i<m_iK;i++) { if(iArrB[i]==1) { cout << i; } } cout << "} "; } cout << endl; } /****************************************************************\ METHOD........: Generate DESCRIPTION...: Generate all subset ATTRIBUTES....: Public ARGUMENTS.....: iK - size of set RETURNS.......: void \****************************************************************/ void Generate(int iK) { iK++; int* iArrB = new int[iK]; int i; while (iArrB[iK-1]!=0) { i=1; while (iArrB[i]==1) { iArrB[i]=0; i++; } iArrB[i]=1; cout << "{"; for(i=0; i<iK;i++) { if(iArrB[i]==1) { cout << i; } } cout << "} "; } cout << endl; } /*===============================[ END LABA #3 ]===================*/ /*===============================[ LABA #4 ]===================*/ /****************************************************************\ METHOD........: CQueen DESCRIPTION...: Initializing variables ATTRIBUTES....: Public ARGUMENTS.....: iN - Size chess board RETURNS.......: None \****************************************************************/ CQueen::CQueen(int iN) { m_iN = iN; m_piArr = new int[m_iN]; m_ppiDoshka = new int*[m_iN]; m_iCount = 0; for(int i=0;i<iN;i++) { m_ppiDoshka[i] = new int[m_iN]; } } /****************************************************************\ METHOD........: Create_arr DESCRIPTION...: Fill the array with zeros ATTRIBUTES....: Public ARGUMENTS.....: None RETURNS.......: void \****************************************************************/ void CQueen::Create_arr() { for(int i=0;i<m_iN;i++) { for(int j=0;j<m_iN;j++) { m_ppiDoshka[i][j] = 0; } } } /****************************************************************\ METHOD........: show_arr DESCRIPTION...: Finding chess board ATTRIBUTES....: Public ARGUMENTS.....: None RETURNS.......: void \****************************************************************/ void CQueen::show_arr() { for(int i=0;i<m_iN;i++) { for(int j=0;j<m_iN;j++) { cout << m_ppiDoshka[i][j] << " "; } cout << endl; } cout << endl; } /****************************************************************\ METHOD........: mod_arr DESCRIPTION...: Change the location of Queens on the board ATTRIBUTES....: Public ARGUMENTS.....: i - colom j - row RETURNS.......: void \****************************************************************/ void CQueen::mod_arr(int i, int j) { m_ppiDoshka[i][j]=1; } /****************************************************************\ METHOD........: Exit DESCRIPTION...: Condition out of the recursion ATTRIBUTES....: Public ARGUMENTS.....: iK = 0 - out of the recursion j - row RETURNS.......: bool \****************************************************************/ bool CQueen::Exit(int iK, int j) { int i; for (i=1;(i<iK) && (j!=m_piArr[i]) && (abs(iK-i)!=abs(j-m_piArr[i]));i++); return i==iK; } /****************************************************************\ METHOD........: Backtracking DESCRIPTION...: Recursive function roztanovky n Queens on the board nxn ATTRIBUTES....: Public ARGUMENTS.....: iK = 0 - out of the recursion RETURNS.......: bool \****************************************************************/ void CQueen::Backtracking(int iK) { for (int j=1; j<=m_iN; j++) { if (Exit(iK,j)) { m_piArr[iK]=j; if (iK==m_iN) { for (int i=1;i<=m_iN;i++) { mod_arr(i-1, m_piArr[i]-1); } show_arr(); Create_arr(); m_iCount++; } Backtracking(iK+1); } } } /****************************************************************\ METHOD........: Print_Count DESCRIPTION...: Show count of combination ATTRIBUTES....: Public ARGUMENTS.....: None RETURNS.......: void \****************************************************************/ void CQueen::Print_Count() { cout << "Vsogo " << m_iCount << " roztashyvan" << endl; } /****************************************************************\ METHOD........: ~CQueen DESCRIPTION...: Delete dynamic variables ATTRIBUTES....: Public ARGUMENTS.....: None RETURNS.......: None \****************************************************************/ CQueen::~CQueen() { for (int i = 0; i < m_iN; i++) { delete m_ppiDoshka[i]; } delete m_ppiDoshka; } /****************************************************************\ FUNCTION......: Create_arr DESCRIPTION...: Fill the array with zeros ATTRIBUTES....: Public ARGUMENTS.....: ppiArr - Chess board iN - Size chess board RETURNS.......: void \****************************************************************/ void Create_arr(int** ppiArr, int iN) { for(int i=0;i<iN;i++) { for(int j=0;j<iN;j++) { ppiArr[i][j] = 0; } } } /****************************************************************\ FUNCTION......: show_arr DESCRIPTION...: Finding chess board ATTRIBUTES....: Public ARGUMENTS.....: ppiArr - Chess board iN - Size chess board RETURNS.......: void \****************************************************************/ void show_arr(int** ppiArr, int iN) { for(int i=0;i<iN;i++) { for(int j=0;j<iN;j++) { cout << ppiArr[i][j] << " "; } cout << endl; } cout << endl; } /****************************************************************\ FUNCTION......: mod_arr DESCRIPTION...: Change the location of Queens on the board ATTRIBUTES....: Public ARGUMENTS.....: ppiArr - Chess board i - colom j - row RETURNS.......: void \****************************************************************/ void mod_arr(int** ppiArr, int i, int j) { ppiArr[i][j]=1; } /****************************************************************\ FUNCTION......: Exit DESCRIPTION...: Condition out of the recursion ATTRIBUTES....: Public ARGUMENTS.....: piArrX - Array for storing the line which should stand queen iK = 0 - out of the recursion j - row RETURNS.......: bool \****************************************************************/ bool Exit(int* piArrX, int iK, int j) { int i; for (i=1;(i<iK) && (j!=piArrX[i]) && (abs(iK-i)!=abs(j-piArrX[i]));i++); return i==iK; } /****************************************************************\ METHOD........: Backtracking DESCRIPTION...: Recursive function roztanovky n Queens on the board nxn ATTRIBUTES....: Public ARGUMENTS.....: iK = 0 - out of the recursion ppiArr - Chess board iN - Size chess board piArrX - Array for storing the line which should stand queen piCount - Number of iteration RETURNS.......: bool \****************************************************************/ void Backtracking(int iK, int** ppiArr, int iN, int* piArrX, int* piCount) { for (int j=1; j<=iN; j++) { if (Exit(piArrX,iK,j)) { piArrX[iK]=j; if (iK==iN) { for (int i=1;i<=iN;i++) { mod_arr(ppiArr, i-1, piArrX[i]-1); } show_arr(ppiArr, iN); Create_arr(ppiArr, iN); *piCount = *piCount+1; } Backtracking(iK+1, ppiArr, iN, piArrX, piCount); } } } /*===============================[ END LABA #4 ]===================*/ /** (END OF FILE : main.cpp)*********************************/ /****************************************************************\ FILE..........: main.h AUTHOR........: Kuzyk Galja DESCRIPTION...: The header file contains programming_labs. METHOD........: result, Similar_elements, get_Count, Generate, Create_arr, show_arr, mod_arr, Exit, Backtracking FUNCTIONS.....: factorial_, Similar_elements, Generate, Create_arr, show_arr, mod_arr, Exit, Backtracking SWITCHES......: WIN32 - if defined, 32-bit version is compiled, otherwise 16-bit edition is compiled. COPYRIGHT.....: Copyright (c) 2010. HISTORY.......: DATE COMMENT -------- -------------------------------------- - 04-03-10 Created - Galja 04-03-10 Modified - Galja \****************************************************************/ /****************************************************************\ CLASS…......: CFactorial. DESCRIPTION…: Calculate number 1 / 0! + 1 / 1! + 1 / 2! + ... + 1 / n!. \****************************************************************/ class CFactorial { private: int m_iN; // variable n public: CFactorial(int iN); void result(); }; void factorial_(int iN); /****************************************************************\ CLASS…......: CSimilar. DESCRIPTION…: Find similar items in two different arrays. \****************************************************************/ class CSimilar { private: int* m_piArrX; int* m_piArrY; int m_iCount; int m_iK; int m_iL; public: CSimilar(int iK, int iL); void Similar_elements(); int get_Count(); }; int Similar_elements(int iK, int iL); /****************************************************************\ CLASS…......: CSubset. DESCRIPTION…: Output all subsets of the set 1 .. k. \****************************************************************/ class CSubset { private: int m_iK; public: CSubset(int iK); void Generate(); }; void Generate (int iK); /****************************************************************\ CLASS…......: CQueen. DESCRIPTION…: Location n Queens on the board nxn. \****************************************************************/ class CQueen { private: int m_iCount, m_iN; int* m_piArr; int** m_ppiDoshka; public: void Create_arr(int** arr, int n); CQueen(int iN); void Create_arr(); void show_arr(); void mod_arr(int i, int j); bool Exit(int iK, int j); void Backtracking(int iK); void Print_Count(); ~CQueen(); }; void Create_arr(int** ppiArr, int iN); void show_arr(int** ppiArr, int iN); void mod_arr(int** ppiArr, int i, int j); bool Exit(int* piArrX, int iK, int j); void Backtracking(int iK, int** ppiArr, int iN, int* piArrX, int* piCount); /** (END OF FILE : main.h)*********************************/ Висновки і результати роботи програм:    
Антиботан аватар за замовчуванням

06.03.2013 23:03-


Ви не можете залишити коментар. Для цього, будь ласка, увійдіть або зареєструйтесь.

Ділись своїми роботами та отримуй миттєві бонуси!

Маєш корисні навчальні матеріали, які припадають пилом на твоєму комп'ютері? Розрахункові, лабораторні, практичні чи контрольні роботи — завантажуй їх прямо зараз і одразу отримуй бали на свій рахунок! Заархівуй всі файли в один .zip (до 100 МБ) або завантажуй кожен файл окремо. Внесок у спільноту – це легкий спосіб допомогти іншим та отримати додаткові можливості на сайті. Твої старі роботи можуть приносити тобі нові нагороди!
Нічого не вибрано

Оголошення від адміністратора

Антиботан аватар за замовчуванням

Подякувати Студентському архіву довільною сумою


26.02.2023 12:38

Дякуємо, що користуєтесь нашим архівом!