Частина тексту файла (без зображень, графіків і формул):
Міністерство освіти та науки України
Національний університет «Львівська політехніка»
З лабораторної роботи №4-5
З дисципліни: «Програмування ч.4»
3) Вивести послідовності довжини K з чисел 1..N, внісши зміни в алгоритм
Лістинг програми:
FILE..........: programming_labs.h
AUTHOR........: Taras Kobernyk
DESCRIPTION...: The header file contains programming_labs.
METHOD........: CFactorial, show_result
FUNCTIONS.....: factorial
SWITCHES......: WIN32 - if defined, 32-bit version is
compiled, otherwise 16-bit edition is compiled.
COPYRIGHT.....: Copyright (c) 2010.
-------- --------------------------------------
03-17-10 Created - Taras
03-23-10 Modifid - Taras
CLASS…......: CSequence.
DESCRIPTION…: Show all sequences of length k of the numbers 1 .. n.
class CSequence
int m_iN, m_iM; //Max numbers and length of Sequence
int* m_piArr; //Array of Sequences
CSequence(int iN, int iM);
void Generate(int iK);
FUNCTION......: Generate
DESCRIPTION...: Show all sequences of length k of the numbers 1 .. n
ATTRIBUTES....: Public
iK - Condition exit function
iN - number
iM - length
iArr - Array for storing sequences
RETURNS.......: void
void Generate(int k, int n, int m, int* x);
/** (END OF FILE : programming_labs.h)*********************************/
FILE..........: programming_labs.cpp
AUTHOR........: Taras Kobernyk
DESCRIPTION...: Laboratory work, designed to solve common problems
METHOD........: CFactorial, show_result
FUNCTIONS.....: factorial
SWITCHES......: WIN32 - if defined, 32-bit version is
compiled, otherwise 16-bit edition is compiled.
COPYRIGHT.....: Copyright (c) 2010, KI-21.
-------- --------------------------------------
03-17-10 Created - Taras
03-23-10 Modified - Taras
/*===============================[ PUBLIC DECLARATIONS ]========*/
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
#include "programming_labs.h"
using namespace std;
int main ()
CSequence* sequence; // pointer by CSequence
case 3:
/*===============================[ LABA #3 ]====================*/
int iM;
int* iArr;
cout << endl;
cout << "\t\t\t\tLaboratory work #3" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Select a method of program\n\t"
"1 - Object-oriented method\n\t"
"2 - Procedure-oriented method" << endl;
iNumber_method = getch() - 48;
/*===============================[ OBJECT-ORIENTED METHOD ]======*/
case 1:
cout << endl;
cout << "\t\t\t\tObject-oriented method" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "n = ";
cin >> iN;
cout << "m = ";
cin >> iM;
sequence = new CSequence(iN,iM);
/*===============================[ PROCEDURE-ORIENTED METHOD ]==*/
case 2:
cout << endl;
cout << "\t\t\tProcedure-oriented method" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "n = ";
cin >> iN;
cout << "m = ";
cin >> iM;
iArr = new int[iM];
Generate(0, iN, iM, iArr);
/*===============================[ END LABA #3 ]================*/
/*===============================[ LABA #3 ]===================*/
METHOD........: CSequence
DESCRIPTION...: Initializing variables
ATTRIBUTES....: Public
ARGUMENTS.....: None
RETURNS.......: void
CSequence::CSequence(int iN, int iM)
m_iN = iN; //Max numbers of Sequence
m_iM = iM; //lendth of Sequences
m_piArr = new int[iM]; //Array of Sequences
METHOD........: Generate
DESCRIPTION...: Show all sequences of length k of the numbers 1 .. n
ATTRIBUTES....: Public
iK - Condition exit function
RETURNS.......: void
void CSequence::Generate(int iK)
/*Recursive function for the output sequence of length K with the numbers 1 .. N*/
if (iK==m_iM)
for (int i=1;i<=m_iM;i++)
cout << m_piArr[i];
cout << endl;
for (int j=1;j<=m_iN;j++)
FUNCTION......: Generate
DESCRIPTION...: Show all sequences of length k of the numbers 1 .. n
ATTRIBUTES....: Public
iK - Condition exit function
iN - number
iM - length
iArr - Array for storing sequences
RETURNS.......: void
void Generate(int iK, int iN, int iM, int* iArr)
/*Recursive function for the output sequence of length K with the numbers 1 .. N*/
if (iK==iM)
for (int i=1;i<=iM;i++)
cout << iArr[i];
cout << endl;
for (int j=1;j<=iN;j++)
Generate(iK+1, iN, iM, iArr);
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