Інформація про навчальний заклад

Не вказано
Кафедра ЕОМ

Інформація про роботу

Тип роботи:
Звіт до лабораторної роботи
Алгоритми та методи обчислень

Частина тексту файла (без зображень, графіків і формул):

Кафедра ЕОМ  Звіт з лабораторної роботи № 4 з дисципліни: “Алгоритми та методи обчислень” Варіант № 7 Мета роботи: виконати зменшення часової складності методом «гілок і границь». Вхідні дані  Лістинг програми: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <limits.h> #define SIZE 4 #define ELEMENTS_COUNT 5 #define PERMITTED_POSITIONS_COUNT ELEMENTS_COUNT #define PERMITTED_POSITION_FLAG 0x00000001 #define DEFINED_POSITION_FLAG 0x00000002 #define ELEMENT_INDEX_TO_ELEMENT_ID(INDEX) ((INDEX) + 1) #define POSITION_INDEX_TO_POSITION_ID(INDEX) ((INDEX) + 1) #define POSITIONS_DEFINITIONS { \ {{ PERMITTED_POSITION_FLAG }, { 0 }, { 0 }, { 0 }}, \ {{ 0 }, { PERMITTED_POSITION_FLAG }, { 0 }, { 0 }}, \ {{ 0 }, { 0 }, { PERMITTED_POSITION_FLAG }, { PERMITTED_POSITION_FLAG }}, \ {{ 0 }, { PERMITTED_POSITION_FLAG }, { 0 }, { 0 }} \} #define R_DEFINITIONS { \ {0, 5, 3, 0, 1}, \ {5, 0, 3, 0, 2}, \ {3, 3, 0, 1, 2}, \ {0, 0, 1, 0, 5}, \ {1, 2, 2, 5, 0} \} typedef struct PositionStruct{ unsigned int positionIndex; unsigned int positionIIndex; unsigned int positionJIndex; unsigned int elementIndex; } Position; typedef struct TablePositionStruct{ unsigned int flags; unsigned int positionIndex; unsigned int elementIndex; } TablePosition; int compareForNormalSorting(const void * a, const void * b){ long long int difference = (long long int)*(unsigned int*)a - (long long int)*(unsigned int*)b; difference < INT_MIN ? difference = INT_MIN : 0; difference > INT_MAX ? difference = INT_MAX : 0; return (int)difference; } int compareForReverseSorting(const void * a, const void * b){ long long int difference = (long long int)*(unsigned int*)a - (long long int)*(unsigned int*)b; difference < INT_MIN ? difference = INT_MIN : 0; difference > INT_MAX ? difference = INT_MAX : 0; return (int) - difference; } int comparePositionsForNormalSorting(const void * a, const void * b){ long long int difference = (long long int)((Position*)a)->positionIndex - (long long int)((Position*)b)- >positionIndex; difference < INT_MIN ? difference = INT_MIN : 0; difference > INT_MAX ? difference = INT_MAX : 0; return (int)difference; } void printTablePositions(const char const * space, TablePosition(*tablePositions)[SIZE]){ TablePosition currentTablePosition; for (unsigned int iIndex = 0; iIndex < SIZE; iIndex++){ printf("%s|", space); for (unsigned int jIndex = 0; jIndex < SIZE; jIndex++){ currentTablePosition = tablePositions[iIndex][jIndex]; if (!(currentTablePosition.flags ^ (DEFINED_POSITION_FLAG | PERMITTED_POSITION_FLAG))){ printf("| %4d |", ELEMENT_INDEX_TO_ELEMENT_ID(currentTablePosition.elementIndex)); } else if (currentTablePosition.flags & PERMITTED_POSITION_FLAG){ printf("| |"); } else{ printf("|XXXXXX|"); } } printf("|\n"); } } void markFreePositions(TablePosition(*tablePositions)[SIZE], unsigned int firstJ){ unsigned int positionIndex = 0; for (unsigned int iIndex = 0; iIndex < SIZE; ++iIndex){ for (unsigned int jIndex = 0; jIndex < SIZE; ++jIndex){ TablePosition * currentTablePositionPointer = firstJ ? &tablePositions[jIndex][iIndex] : &tablePositions[iIndex][jIndex]; if (currentTablePositionPointer->flags & PERMITTED_POSITION_FLAG){ currentTablePositionPointer->positionIndex = positionIndex++; } } } } unsigned int getPositionsByFlags(Position * usedPositions, TablePosition(*tablePositions)[SIZE], unsigned int flagsFilter, unsigned int flags){ unsigned int usedPositionsIndex = 0; TablePosition currentTablePosition; for (unsigned int iIndex = 0; iIndex < SIZE; ++iIndex){ for (unsigned int jIndex = 0; jIndex < SIZE; ++jIndex){ currentTablePosition = tablePositions[iIndex][jIndex]; if (!(currentTablePosition.flags & flagsFilter ^ flags)){ usedPositions[usedPositionsIndex].elementIndex = currentTablePosition.elementIndex; usedPositions[usedPositionsIndex].positionIndex = currentTablePosition.positionIndex; usedPositions[usedPositionsIndex].positionIIndex = iIndex; usedPositions[usedPositionsIndex].positionJIndex = jIndex; usedPositionsIndex++; } } } return usedPositionsIndex; } void genTableD(unsigned int(*tableD)[PERMITTED_POSITIONS_COUNT], TablePosition(*tablePositions) [SIZE]){ TablePosition currentTablePositionForFirstPosition; TablePosition currentTablePositionForSecondPosition; for (unsigned int iIndexForFirstPosition = 0; iIndexForFirstPosition < SIZE; ++iIndexForFirstPosition){ for (unsigned int jIndexForFirstPosition = 0; jIndexForFirstPosition < SIZE; + +jIndexForFirstPosition){ currentTablePositionForFirstPosition = tablePositions[iIndexForFirstPosition] [jIndexForFirstPosition]; if (currentTablePositionForFirstPosition.flags & PERMITTED_POSITION_FLAG){ for (unsigned int iIndexForSecondPosition = 0; iIndexForSecondPosition < SIZE; ++iIndexForSecondPosition){ for (unsigned int jIndexForSecondPosition = 0; jIndexForSecondPosition < SIZE; ++jIndexForSecondPosition){ currentTablePositionForSecondPosition = tablePositions[iIndexForSecondPosition][jIndexForSecondPosition]; if (currentTablePositionForSecondPosition.flags & PERMITTED_POSITION_FLAG){ unsigned int d = 0; iIndexForFirstPosition > iIndexForSecondPosition ? (d += iIndexForFirstPosition - iIndexForSecondPosition) : (d += iIndexForSecondPosition - iIndexForFirstPosition); jIndexForFirstPosition > jIndexForSecondPosition ? (d += jIndexForFirstPosition - jIndexForSecondPosition) : (d += jIndexForSecondPosition - jIndexForFirstPosition); tableD[currentTablePositionForFirstPosition.positionIndex % PERMITTED_POSITIONS_COUNT] [currentTablePositionForSecondPosition.positionIndex % PERMITTED_POSITIONS_COUNT] = d; tableD[currentTablePositionForSecondPosition.positionIndex % PERMITTED_POSITIONS_COUNT] [currentTablePositionForFirstPosition.positionIndex % PERMITTED_POSITIONS_COUNT] = d; // same } } } } } } } void printTableR(const char const * space, unsigned int(*tableR)[ELEMENTS_COUNT]){ for (unsigned int iIndex = 0; iIndex < ELEMENTS_COUNT; iIndex++){ printf("%s|", space); for (unsigned int jIndex = 0; jIndex < ELEMENTS_COUNT; jIndex++){ printf("| %5d|", tableR[iIndex][jIndex]); } printf("|\n"); } } void printTableD(const char const * space, unsigned int(*tableD)[PERMITTED_POSITIONS_COUNT]){ space++; for (unsigned int iIndex = 0; iIndex < PERMITTED_POSITIONS_COUNT; iIndex++){ printf("%s|", space); for (unsigned int jIndex = 0; jIndex < PERMITTED_POSITIONS_COUNT; jIndex++){ printf("| %5d|", tableD[iIndex][jIndex]); } printf("|\n"); } } unsigned int computeF(unsigned int(*tableR)[ELEMENTS_COUNT], unsigned int(*tableD) [PERMITTED_POSITIONS_COUNT], TablePosition(*tablePositions)[SIZE], unsigned int firstFreeElementIndex) { unsigned int sum = 0; Position usedPositions[SIZE * SIZE] = { 0 }; unsigned int usedPositionsCount = 0; Position freePositions[SIZE * SIZE] = { 0 }; unsigned int freePositionsCount = 0; unsigned int sortedRs[SIZE * SIZE] = { 0 }; unsigned int sortedRsCount = 0; unsigned int sortedDs[SIZE * SIZE] = { 0 }; unsigned int sortedDsCount = 0; usedPositionsCount = getPositionsByFlags(usedPositions, tablePositions, PERMITTED_POSITION_FLAG | DEFINED_POSITION_FLAG, PERMITTED_POSITION_FLAG | DEFINED_POSITION_FLAG); freePositionsCount = getPositionsByFlags(freePositions, tablePositions, PERMITTED_POSITION_FLAG | DEFINED_POSITION_FLAG, PERMITTED_POSITION_FLAG); // for used for (Position * beginUsedPositionPointer = usedPositions, *beyondUsedPositionPointer = usedPositions + usedPositionsCount; beginUsedPositionPointer < beyondUsedPositionPointer; beginUsedPositionPointer++){ for (Position * usedPositionPointer = beginUsedPositionPointer + 1; usedPositionPointer < beyondUsedPositionPointer; usedPositionPointer++){ sum += tableR[beginUsedPositionPointer->elementIndex % PERMITTED_POSITIONS_COUNT][usedPositionPointer->elementIndex % PERMITTED_POSITIONS_COUNT] * tableD[beginUsedPositionPointer->positionIndex % PERMITTED_POSITIONS_COUNT][usedPositionPointer->positionIndex % PERMITTED_POSITIONS_COUNT]; } } // for free for (unsigned int beginFreeElementIndex = firstFreeElementIndex; beginFreeElementIndex < ELEMENTS_COUNT; beginFreeElementIndex++){ for (unsigned int freeElementIndex = beginFreeElementIndex + 1; freeElementIndex < ELEMENTS_COUNT; freeElementIndex++){ sortedRs[sortedRsCount++] = tableR[beginFreeElementIndex][freeElementIndex]; } } for (Position * beginFreePositionPointer = freePositions, *beyondFreePositionPointer = freePositions + freePositionsCount; beginFreePositionPointer < beyondFreePositionPointer; beginFreePositionPointer++){ for (Position * freePositionPointer = beginFreePositionPointer + 1; freePositionPointer < beyondFreePositionPointer; freePositionPointer++){ sortedDs[sortedDsCount++] = tableD[beginFreePositionPointer->positionIndex % PERMITTED_POSITIONS_COUNT] [freePositionPointer->positionIndex % PERMITTED_POSITIONS_COUNT]; } } //if (sortedRsCount != sortedDsCount){ // printf("Bad table of positions\r\n"); // exit(-1); //} qsort(sortedRs, sortedRsCount, sizeof(unsigned int), compareForNormalSorting); qsort(sortedDs, sortedDsCount, sizeof(unsigned int), compareForReverseSorting); for (unsigned int index = 0; index < sortedRsCount; ++index){ sum += sortedRs[index] * sortedDs[index]; } // for used<->free for (Position * usedPositionPointer = usedPositions, *beyondUsedPositionPointer = usedPositions + usedPositionsCount; usedPositionPointer < beyondUsedPositionPointer; usedPositionPointer++){ sortedRsCount = 0; sortedDsCount = 0; for (unsigned int freeElementIndex = firstFreeElementIndex; freeElementIndex < ELEMENTS_COUNT; freeElementIndex++){ sortedRs[sortedRsCount++] = tableR[usedPositionPointer->elementIndex % PERMITTED_POSITIONS_COUNT][freeElementIndex]; } for (Position * freePositionPointer = freePositions, *beyondFreePositionPointer = freePositions + freePositionsCount; freePositionPointer < beyondFreePositionPointer; freePositionPointer++){ sortedDs[sortedDsCount++] = tableD[usedPositionPointer->positionIndex % PERMITTED_POSITIONS_COUNT] [freePositionPointer->positionIndex % PERMITTED_POSITIONS_COUNT]; } if (sortedRsCount != sortedDsCount){ // REMOVE! printf("Bad table of positions\r\n"); exit(-1); } qsort(sortedRs, sortedRsCount, sizeof(unsigned int), compareForNormalSorting); qsort(sortedDs, sortedDsCount, sizeof(unsigned int), compareForReverseSorting); for (unsigned int index = 0; index < sortedRsCount; ++index){ sum += sortedRs[index] * sortedDs[index]; } } return sum; } void tablePositionsProcessing(unsigned int(*tableR)[ELEMENTS_COUNT], unsigned int(*tableD) [PERMITTED_POSITIONS_COUNT], TablePosition(*tablePositions)[SIZE]){ Position freePositions[SIZE * SIZE] = { 0 }; unsigned int freePositionsCount = getPositionsByFlags(freePositions, tablePositions, PERMITTED_POSITION_FLAG | DEFINED_POSITION_FLAG, PERMITTED_POSITION_FLAG); qsort(freePositions, freePositionsCount, sizeof(Position), comparePositionsForNormalSorting); if (freePositionsCount != PERMITTED_POSITIONS_COUNT) { printf("Bad table of positions\r\n"); exit(-1); } unsigned int minF = computeF(tableR, tableD, tablePositions, 0); printf("minF = %d:\n\n", minF); for (unsigned int elementIndex = 0; elementIndex < ELEMENTS_COUNT; elementIndex++){ printf("%d:\n", ELEMENT_INDEX_TO_ELEMENT_ID(elementIndex)); unsigned int minFForCurrentElemnt = INT_MAX; unsigned int verifiedPositionForElementIIndex = 0; unsigned int verifiedPositionForElementJIndex = 0; unsigned int etap = 0; for (Position * freePositionPointer = freePositions, *beyondFreePositionPointer = freePositions + freePositionsCount; freePositionPointer < beyondFreePositionPointer; freePositionPointer++){ unsigned int positionForElementIIndex = freePositionPointer->positionIIndex % SIZE; unsigned int positionForElementJIndex = freePositionPointer->positionJIndex % SIZE; if (!(tablePositions[positionForElementIIndex][positionForElementJIndex].flags & (PERMITTED_POSITION_FLAG | DEFINED_POSITION_FLAG) ^ PERMITTED_POSITION_FLAG)){ tablePositions[positionForElementIIndex][positionForElementJIndex].flags |= DEFINED_POSITION_FLAG; tablePositions[positionForElementIIndex] [positionForElementJIndex].elementIndex = elementIndex; unsigned int currentF = computeF(tableR, tableD, tablePositions, elementIndex + 1); printf(" %d.%d. Set element X%d in position %d:\n\n", ELEMENT_INDEX_TO_ELEMENT_ID(elementIndex), ++etap, ELEMENT_INDEX_TO_ELEMENT_ID(elementIndex), POSITION_INDEX_TO_POSITION_ID(freePositionPointer->positionIndex)); printTablePositions(" ", tablePositions); printf(" currentF = %d:\n\n", currentF); tablePositions[positionForElementIIndex][positionForElementJIndex].flags &= ~DEFINED_POSITION_FLAG; minFForCurrentElemnt > currentF ? ( minFForCurrentElemnt = currentF, verifiedPositionForElementIIndex = positionForElementIIndex, verifiedPositionForElementJIndex = positionForElementJIndex ) : 0; if (minF == currentF) { // <= break; } } } tablePositions[verifiedPositionForElementIIndex][verifiedPositionForElementJIndex].flags |= DEFINED_POSITION_FLAG; tablePositions[verifiedPositionForElementIIndex] [verifiedPositionForElementJIndex].elementIndex = elementIndex; printf(" ->%d.%d. Fix element X%d in position %d:\n\n", ELEMENT_INDEX_TO_ELEMENT_ID(elementIndex), ++etap, ELEMENT_INDEX_TO_ELEMENT_ID(verifiedPositionForElementIIndex), POSITION_INDEX_TO_POSITION_ID(verifiedPositionForElementJIndex)); printTablePositions(" ", tablePositions); printf("\n")z } } int main(void){ unsigned int tableR[ELEMENTS_COUNT][ELEMENTS_COUNT] = R_DEFINITIONS; unsigned int tableD[PERMITTED_POSITIONS_COUNT][PERMITTED_POSITIONS_COUNT]; TablePosition tablePositions[SIZE][SIZE] = POSITIONS_DEFINITIONS; markFreePositions(tablePositions, 1); genTableD(tableD, tablePositions); printf("Positions:\n"); printTablePositions("", tablePositions); printf("\n"); printf("R:\n"); printTableR("", tableR); printf("\n"); printf("D:\n"); printTableD("", tableD); printf("\n"); tablePositionsProcessing(tableR, tableD, tablePositions); printf("Processed positions:\n\n"); printTablePositions("", tablePositions); printf("F = %d:\n", computeF(tableR, tableD, tablePositions, ELEMENTS_COUNT)); return 0; } Скріншот виконання програми:  Висновок - виконав зменшення часової складності методом “гілок і границь”
Антиботан аватар за замовчуванням

14.10.2018 19:10-


Ви не можете залишити коментар. Для цього, будь ласка, увійдіть або зареєструйтесь.

Ділись своїми роботами та отримуй миттєві бонуси!

Маєш корисні навчальні матеріали, які припадають пилом на твоєму комп'ютері? Розрахункові, лабораторні, практичні чи контрольні роботи — завантажуй їх прямо зараз і одразу отримуй бали на свій рахунок! Заархівуй всі файли в один .zip (до 100 МБ) або завантажуй кожен файл окремо. Внесок у спільноту – це легкий спосіб допомогти іншим та отримати додаткові можливості на сайті. Твої старі роботи можуть приносити тобі нові нагороди!
Нічого не вибрано

Оголошення від адміністратора

Антиботан аватар за замовчуванням

Подякувати Студентському архіву довільною сумою


26.02.2023 12:38

Дякуємо, що користуєтесь нашим архівом!